How to find Falls Prevention services in metropolitan Adelaide
The one stop enquiry number for falls prevention in Metropolitan Adelaide is 1300 0 FALLS (1300 032 557).
The following list will save time finding many useful resources. Click on the Resources Logo to redirect.
Preventing Falls for Older Farmers
A mature approach to preventing falls:
A number of publications on positive and active ageing have been produced featuring Noelene Brown, the Ambassador for Ageing, including A Mature Approach to Avoiding Falls
Personal Alert Systems Rebate Scheme
This scheme helps frail older South Australians at risk of falls or medical emergencies to obtain a personal alert system, allowing them to live independently in their own homes for longer.
Eligible older people need to be referred by a doctor, occupational therapist, registered nurse or physiotherapist.
4th Generation Clinics at the Repatriation General Hospital (RGH)
providing rehabilitation services for older people and people living with a disability, including people who are recovering from a stroke or living with dementia.
Stepping On: Building Confidence and reducing falls, a community-based program for older people
Lindy Clemson and Megan Swann
This manual is for occupational therapists, physical therapists, and other health professionals and health promotion workers in the area of falls-prevention with older people. The manual describes how to plan, prepare, and run the program, which offers older people a way of reducing falls and at the same time increasing self confidence in situations where they are at risk of falling.
Ageing with Vitality guide
The Ageing with Vitality guide and workbook are available electronically on Queensland Health’s Stay On Your Feet website.
Transfer to hospital envelope.
You are encouraged to use this when transferring a resident from an aged care facility to hospital.
Independent Living Centre – resource centre for equipment and advice, including continence aids.
National Ageing Research Institute (NARI)
Residential Medication Management Review (RMMR)
This website explains the program and provides the required forms.
Rowland Universal Dementia Assessment Scale (RUDAS) is an assessment of dementia used as an alternative to the Mini-mental for older people who have low literacy levels or whose first language is not English. It is also appendix 3 in the guidelines for aged care or available on the following link to Fight Dementia website.
ReBOC – Reducing Behaviours of Concern, a resource to assist those caring for people living with dementia. The website includes an interactive delirium screening tool.
Royal Society for the Blind. Their web site offers information on their services, visual deficits and publications about vision.
The Alberta Centre for Active Living
Preventing Falls Through Physical Activity: A Guide for People Working with Older Adults is a 38-page booklet specifically designed for activity leaders in rural communities, and is useful for people in urban settings as well. The Guide can be downloaded from the Alberta Centre for Active Living website, duplicated and shared freely.
Choose Health: Be Active: A physical activity guide for older Australians, including balance and strength exercises that can be done at home.