Active Ageing Australia promotes physical activity for a lifetime of health and well-being.  We are a membership-based not for profit organisation, developing and delivering a range of products and services. Our training programs for exercise leaders include Easy Moves, ChiBall Gentle Moves, and NoFalls Leader.

Easy Moves:
a new exercise program model offers more choice and variety for Easy Moves Leaders and group participants. ‘Build your own Easy Moves exercise programs’ – start with the Easy Moves theory course and then select the exercise programs which best suit your needs and the needs of your participants. Updated and new content developed by health professionals and group fitness experts.

A new online delivery method means with a computer and internet connection, this course is lower cost, more accessible and convenient. Exercise programs are pre-choreographed (meaning the exercises, sets, reps, and order are provided to you), meaning safer and more consistent classes for the participants. 20 minute exercise programs enable the Easy Moves Exercise Program Leader to ‘mix and match’ a range of function based exercise classes.

ChiBall Gentle Moves:
a two day Instructor Training Program open to anyone with enthusiasm and a willingness to learn about this unique experience of colour, music and flowing movement. The ChiBall is a tool that makes it easy for participants to follow and can both challenge and facilitate movement. The exercises of the Gentle Moves version are ideal for older adults, or those with limited mobility.

Moving for Life Your Way:
Moving for Life Your Way workshop teaches a series of safe and effective exercises, which are suitable for older people who are living in the community or in residential care facilities. The program also focuses on the benefits of physical activity, how to better understand and support positive behaviour change, and the importance of the Australian Physical Activity Recommendations.

The NoFalls exercise program:
was designed as one of the interventions in a larger trial run by the Monash University Accident Research Centre and the City of Whitehorse, in Melbourne Australia.
The one day Leader Training and manual provides a successful 15 week exercise program to promote safety for older adults by reducing the risk of falls. It assumes a basic level of training in the delivery of physical activities.
Active Ageing Australia developed the Train the Trainer program in response to significant interest in the exercise program, to facilitate its implementation by appropriately trained exercise leaders.

For more information on any of these courses or programs visit the website – Active Ageing Australia.